Spirit Airlines Name Change

Can I Change the Name on My Spirit Airlines Reservation

Looking for name change or correction on Spirit Airlines Ticket? If yes then you are at the right post. Here, we will tell you all about Spirit Airlines name change policy like what kind of correction you can change or what the process is.

So, stay with this post and learn the easy steps to make name correction in your Spirit Airlines flight ticket.

What Is Spirit Airlines Name Change Policy?

Before applying for name change, first you need to understand what is Spirit Airlines name change policy? It will help you to get a hassle free name change process. So, let’s understand spirit airlines change name policy.

Tickets with slight misspellings are allowed or eligible for a free name change on Spirit Airlines. So, let’s start with what type of name change you allow with Spirit.

Read Also: Spirit Airlines Cancellation Policy

Here, we give some points that clear you the name change policy of Spirit airlines.

  1. You are eligible to make corrections for up to three characters on the first name, middle name, and last name.
  2. Your name must be exactly same as mentioned on government-approved Ids.
  3. If you want a risk free name change process then make changes within 24 hours.

Types of Changes that You Can Correct on Spirit Airlines

In spirit airlines, you can change the following mistakes or corrections, please check.

  1. Misspelling: If is there any minor spelling mistake like Feline vs. Filene that you can change your name spelling for free.
  2. Legal Name Change: If you want to change your legal name for example after marriage names then you can also do this for free. But it needs some documents verification that we will define in this blog.
  3. Passenger information: If there is any correction in passenger information like date of birth, contact information, gender, and redress number then you can also eligible to change these corrections.

So, these are the corrections that you can change in your flight ticket.

Supporting Documents To Verify

Here, we give a list of supporting documents that you need to show during your name change in your tickets. Please check.

  1. Marriage license
  2. Court order
  3. Divorce decree
  4. Legal name change document

We hope, now you have a clear understanding what you can change in your Spirit airline ticket and what documents you have required to do the changes.

Now, we will discuss the process about how can you change your name on Spirit airlines ticket.

How To Change Name on Spirit Airlines Tickets?

You can change your name on spirit flight ticket through website, mail, and offline. Here, we will tell you all the methods and steps to change your name so that you can get a hassle free travel.

How To Change Name On Spirit Flight Ticket Via Website?

Please check the following instructions to change your name on your flight ticket.

  1. First, open spirit airlines’ official site.
  2. Login your spirit airline account using your credentials.
  3. After login to your account, go to Manage booking section.
  4. Enter your details like your name, passport, and booking number.
  5. Click on your flight when it appears on your screen.
  6. Click on edit option.
  7. Make your changes and hit the confirm button, your changes will be saved.

Change Name Through Mail

You can also make changes in your flight ticket through mail. Here, we give simple steps to do this, have a look.

If you legal name change issue with Spirit Airlines ticket then you can send them an official mail with the reason for what you sent the mail. Make sure to attach the related document with the mail.

Offline Name Change Method for Spirit Airlines

If the online process did not work for any reasons then you can also apply offline for name change in your Spirit airlines flight tickets. Here, we give some simple steps on how to do this quickly and simply.

  1. Call the Spirit airlines customer service representative.
  2. You will listen the IVR. Follow the IVR commands and follow them.
  3. Once you connect with the customer support representative, tell them to change name request.
  4. The representative will ask the required details and after confirming the details he will make the changes or corrections.
  5. You need to pay the fee if required.

Spirit Airlines Name Change Fee

We hope till now, you have a clear understanding how to change name on Spirit Airlines flight tickets. Now, let’s check what is the fee for name change in spirit flight ticket.

Changes or Corrections Fees
Name correction up to 3 letters $225
Name corrections with special approval requirements $175
Changing the ticket ownership $200
Name change typo error $150
Change name request for Europe bound flight $250

Note: Please note that fees are subject to change.

How To Change Date of Birth On Spirit Airlines?

If you have a wrong date of birth on Spirit Airlines flight ticket then you can change it by following the given steps. Check the given steps and change your date of birth.

Here, you have two methods online and offline to change your date of birth on airlines flight ticket. Have a look on both methods.

Online Method For Changing Date of Birth

  1. First, open the official website of spirit airlines on your computer.
  2. Login to your account using your account credentials.
  3. Go to personal information.
  4. Find the date of birth section, click on edit button.
  5. Enter your correct date of birth and click on save button.

Your date of birth will be changed or updated.

Offline Method For Changing Date of Birth

In offline method, dial the airline’s official service number. Tell them your date of birth changing issue. Provide them the required information and they will change it. The change fee maybe applicable if required.


To wrap it up, in this article you have learned all about Spirit Airlines name change policy. Apart from this, how to make changes or corrections using simple steps. If you have any issues regarding your flight like name change and flight cancellation then feel free to contact us anytime. You can also follow our Facebook page to get latest updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Can I change a name on a Spirit airline ticket?

Answer: Yes, you can change a name on a spirit airline ticket but with some limitations. To check about the name change limitations, please contact us at our toll-free number +1-888-918-5556 anytime. We have 24/7 customer support so feel free to contact us.

Question: Can you change the name on an already booked flight?

Answer: Yes, you can but for this you should always contact the airline or travel agent from where you booked your flight ticket as soon as possible.

Question: How much does it cost to change a name on a plane ticket?

Answer: The cost to change a name on a plane ticket can range from $50 to $200.

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